About JAI


A picture REALLY does paint a thousand words.





JAI, the James Allen Institute is dedicated to Global Social Harmony and to Your happiness and well-being. James Allen was committed to the global propagation of Fundamental Awareness Education throughout Society. Our aim is exactly the same, to deliver straightforward, stimulating and extremely informative fundamental awareness education for everyone to take advantage of through an uplifting and interactive online personal development programme aptly named:


See the Biggest Picture . . . Understand the Smallest Detail
Your Concise Road Map to a Greater Understanding.


A.k.a. The JAI Road Map, this inspiring online programme simply contains enough relevant joined up information and thought provoking stimuli for ANYONE to develop a level of awareness that many have described intellectually as ‘Divine Enlightenment’ and with it the foundation stone for happiness, productivity, prosperity and contentment for ANY individual to take ownership of. And a world filled with enlightened individuals is a world without MINDLESS MADNESS. Period.
With a positive outlook and the correct application and effort of thought, ENLIGHTENMENT is EXACTLY what the JAI ROAD MAP is ‘designed’ to deliver.


In my role as Clinical Research Director I organise and oversee the facilitation of clinical trials dedicated to proving and establishing the merit and suitability of innovative medical techniques, hardware and drug therapy.
Unfortunately some of the innovation, which is developed with all the best intention in the world, is more akin to closing the gate after the horse has bolted, with the treatment itself responsible for high levels of pain, suffering and indeed, risk.
For example we spent many years trialling devices applied via invasive surgical techniques aimed and focused on helping those incredibly brave but burdened people we refer to as morbidly obese. We all know prevention is better than the cure, and to this end I feel inspired to make the following statement of truth:
The information and subsequent heightened awareness which the JAI Road Map so masterfully and straightforwardly directs us to is both prevention and cure for all of humanity’s fundamental ills, problems and avoidable misery.

Suzanne M. Williams

Director, Mobius Medical Pty Ltd


The James Allen Institute a.k.a The James Allen Initiative, was named in honour of celebrated author and enlightened humanitarian James Allen (1864 – 1912), and is wholly dedicated to sharing and advancing the wisdom and tutelage of this extraordinary thinker and those like him, individuals, past, present and yet to be born, who were, are and will become spiritually and intellectually aware both to the ignorance humanity suffers in the realm and reality of how to live in peace and contentment as individuals and therefore as a species, and, of how to educate and enlighten the same in order to eradicate the temporary, yet predominant and long lived erroneous state of being which exists throughout our global population.
Why the ‘James Allen’ Institute? Why pay homage to this great author above all other great thinkers and writers?
Although the JAI ‘CONCISE’ Road Map to a Greater Understanding contains a smorgasbord of uplifting and enlightening information from and references to the work of many great authors and distinguished authorities including the likes of Haanel, Hill, Wattles and Byrne, James Allen not only identifies the single fundamental element which causes humanity so much pain and confusion but also articulates in his writing why this is so in the most succinct, straightforward and concise manner.
James Allen truly represents Fundamental Awareness Education and proves beyond any doubt the fundamental importance of it to society, humanity and each and every one of us as individuals.
“The problem of life consists in learning how to live. It is like the problem of addition or subtraction to the schoolboy. When mastered, all difficulty disappears, and the problem has vanished. All the problems of life, whether they be social, political, or religious, subsist in ignorance and wrong-living. As they are solved in the heart of each individual, they will be solved in the mass of men. Humanity at present is in the painful stage of learning. It is confronted with the difficulties of its own ignorance. As men learn to live rightly, learn to direct their forces and use their functions and faculties by the light of wisdom, the sum of life will be correctly done, and its mastery will put an end to all the problems of evil. To the wise, all such problems have ceased.” JAMES ALLEN (Circa 1911)
Almost a century after the great man’s passing, a commonality of goal and ethos can be felt in the statement penned by fellow humanitarian, Kevin Williams, author and producer of ‘See the Biggest PictureUnderstand the Smallest Detail – A Concise Road Map to a Greater Understanding’ and a very grateful beneficiary of James Allen’s wisdom and literary works of genius:


One GoalOne Vision.


Our Goal is to provide a Road Map to Well-being for every living soul
who has the desire and wherewithal to utilise it…
Our Vision is to see the whole of Humanity enlightened, thriving and
content, devoid of limiting beliefs, preventable illness and
debilitating addiction, living independently in faith with inspired
purpose and selfless intent, energised and motivated by
the most powerful and freely available fuel sources in Nature’s
treasure chest…Knowledge, Love and Gratitude!
The results over time of this highly achievable ideology?
Nothing less than WORLD PEACE and the Human Race once more in harmony with the
Natural World and benefiting from an ever expanding intellect and consciousness!
The above ‘question’ – a contradiction in terms maybe,
but the ‘answer’ is simply hard fact and OUR destiny!
Choose to believe it!


FYI – Links to ALL of James Allen’s works, both in written and audio format,
together with the work of many other great authors can be found within
The JAI Road Map.



Why is Fundamental Awareness Education ‘the’ bottom line?


Fundamental Awareness is simply KEY to both an individual’s well-being and PEACE ON EARTH…and although Fundamental Awareness Education is not part of any National School Curriculum in any part of the world, which is a mind boggling fact in its own right, a greater understanding of the TRUTH, of the way the natural world is REALLY ordered and why the Laws of Nature are SO exacting and encompassing, can be understood and appreciated by anyone and everyone if the correct information is put before them, and with this knowledge and heightened awareness come the rewards, both practically and intellectually for the individual, and more importantly, for humanity itself, as an appreciation of and for the effects of those individual rewards become apparent.


So, in the name of James Allen, the deeply earnest objective of the James Allen Institute is to bring YOU the most accessible and enjoyable, straightforward and impartial, effective and enlightening personal development programme possible and as a result this life altering tour de force is for YOU, please take advantage and please share: