A Quick-fire Test


Will the JAI Road Map and the information it contains
REALLY benefit YOU is the $64,000 question, right?


Well, whether you are happy or sad, doing very well
right now or not, this is the categorical answer:





Before you zip through the questions below, you might like to check out this hilarious but sublimely serious Jim Carrey video whereby Jim talks of FAITH, and LOVE and FEAR, and speaks with WISDOM, STRENGTH and PURPOSE.

The PRIMARY PURPOSE of JAI and the James Allen Initiative is simply to help you understand, intellectually, exactly what faith is…and more specifically Faith in Principle. (Principle ~ A fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behaviour or for a chain of reasoning.)

Our job is to help you acquire a large helping of Faith in Principle for yourself, along with a good healthy portion of wisdom, steadfastness and purpose to boot. These are the ingredients to defeat ALL of our fears and failings, these are the necessary ingredients for our SUCCESS, WELLBEING and HAPPINESS.


This IS what the JAI Road Map is DESIGNED to deliver – nothing else.



Have a listen to this track whilst your answering the questions
Great tune and even greater lyrics!



On a scale of 1-10…

  • How healthy are you? How successful are you? How content are you?
  • How fearless are you? How confident are you? How loved are you?
  • How content are you REALLY with the way you make your living?
  • How content are you REALLY with where you live?
  • How much do you REALLY know about healthy eating or physical fitness?
  • How harmonious are your relationships with your immediate family?


And your thoughts on these questions…


  • Do you know what you REALLY want? Do you REALLY know how and why this is so fundamentally important to your well-being?
  • Do you REALLY understand how and why wealthy people become wealthy? Do you REALLY understand why some are able to retain their wealth and others are not?
  • Do you REALLY understand how truly happy people come by their happiness…and how and why they maintain it?
  • Do you know why the MOST successful, busiest people live the simplest lives and why they appear to be so calm, courteous and in control? Is this outward appearance real or fake? …do YOU really know the answer to this question or even if the above statement is true or false?
  • Do you make enough money to do ALL that you want to do and DREAM of doing? Do you have enough time to do ALL that you want to do and DREAM of doing?
  • Do you REALLY understand what LOVE is and WHY it is the most powerful force in nature?
  • Do you REALLY know why there is NO POINT to worry?
  • What do you REALLY know of the Laws of the Universe? Do you know of the Laws of Compensation, Attraction and Increase and why they are as real and influencing as those of Flotation, Motion and Gravity?
  • What do you REALLY know of how the Universal Laws affect and influence you…to good effect…and for bad effect if you are not aligned with them?
  • Do you know of the Double-slit experiment and the monumental significance of it? Do you know of Quantum Entanglement and the profound significance…and implications of it?!
  • Do you REALLY understand the effects of negativity, what it REALLY is, and, how camouflaged it can be?
  • Do you engage in things that you KNOW do you no good? Do you know why you do this?
  • Are you dependant on anything or do you have any addictions? Do you REALLY understand what addiction is?
  • Do you understand that understanding what addiction is, is FUNDAMENTAL in eliminating any addiction?
  • Do you know why you have feelings of dissatisfaction?
  • Do you know why you have feelings of satisfaction?
  • Do you know what a limiting belief is?
  • Do you REALLY understand the difference between want and need and the impact both have on your life?
  • Do you understand and appreciate the immutable link between gratitude and forgiveness?
  • Do you know what the purpose of life is???
  • Do you KNOW how TRUE contentment is achieved?
  • Do you KNOW how TRUE liberty is achieved?
  • Do you KNOW how easy it is to learn how to achieve both and discover the answers to all of the above?
  • Do you KNOW that simply learning the answers to questions such as these and thinking how they all join together leads to a state of being and awareness we refer to and describe using words such as enlightened and faith?
  • How satisfied are you with your life, REALLY?


So, is ignorance bliss or does it restrict and confuse and deny in every way imaginable?


What do you think now?


Are you ALL tens and ALL knowing?




The James Allen Initiative Concise Road Map
to a Greater Understanding WILL expand
your outlook and improve your life.



Like Tony, Don, Suzanne, Danny and…?

Is this the day YOUR life will surely change?


Onward and Upward!

Access your Road Map below.




A Quick-fire Test


Is the JAI Road Map and the information it contains REALLY going to benefit YOU is the $64,000 question, right?


Well, whether you are happy or sad, doing very well
right now or not, this is the categorical answer:


YES, it WILL bring you great benefit.


Before you zip through the questions below, you might like to check out this hilarious but sublimely serious Jim Carrey video whereby Jim talks of FAITH, and LOVE and FEAR, and speaks with WISDOM, STRENGTH and PURPOSE.

The PRIMARY PURPOSE of JAI and the James Allen Initiative is simply to help you understand, intellectually, exactly what faith is…and more specifically Faith in Principle. (Principle ~ A fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behaviour or for a chain of reasoning.)
Our job is to help you acquire a large helping of Faith in Principle for yourself, along with a good healthy portion of wisdom, steadfastness and purpose to boot. These are the ingredients to defeat ALL of our fears and failings, these are the necessary ingredients for our SUCCESS, WELLBEING and HAPPINESS.


This IS what the JAI Road Map is DESIGNED to deliver – nothing else.



Have a listen to this track whilst your answering the questions
Great tune and even greater lyrics!



On a scale of 1-10…

  • How healthy are you? How successful are you? How content are you?
  • How fearless are you? How confident are you? How loved are you?
  • How content are you REALLY with the way you make your living?
  • How content are you REALLY with where you live?
  • How much do you REALLY know about healthy eating or physical fitness?
  • How harmonious are your relationships with your immediate family?

And your thoughts on these questions…

  • Do you know what you REALLY want? Do you REALLY know how and why this is so fundamentally important to your well-being?
  • Do you REALLY understand how and why wealthy people become wealthy? Do you REALLY understand why some are able to retain their wealth and others are not?
  • Do you REALLY understand how truly happy people come by their happiness…and how and why they maintain it?
  • Do you know why the MOST successful, busiest people live the simplest lives and why they appear to be so calm, courteous and in control? Is this outward appearance real or fake? …do YOU really know the answer to this question or even if the above statement is true or false?
  • Do you make enough money to do ALL that you want to do and DREAM of doing? Do you have enough time to do ALL that you want to do and DREAM of doing?
  • Do you REALLY understand what LOVE is and WHY it is the most powerful force in nature?
  • Do you REALLY know why there is NO POINT to worry?
  • What do you REALLY know of the Laws of the Universe? Do you know of the Laws of Compensation, Attraction and Increase and why they are as real and influencing as those of Flotation, Motion and Gravity?
  • What do you REALLY know of how the Universal Laws affect and influence you…to good effect…and for bad effect if you are not aligned with them?
  • Do you know of the Double-slit experiment and the monumental significance of it? Do you know of Quantum Entanglement and the profound significance…and implications of it?!
  • Do you REALLY understand the effects of negativity, what it REALLY is, and, how camouflaged it can be?
  • Do you engage in things that you KNOW do you no good? Do you know why you do this?
  • Are you dependant on anything or do you have any addictions? Do you REALLY understand what addiction is?
  • Do you understand that understanding what addiction is, is FUNDAMENTAL in eliminating any addiction?
  • Do you know why you have feelings of dissatisfaction?
  • Do you know why you have feelings of satisfaction?
  • Do you know what a limiting belief is?
  • Do you REALLY understand the difference between want and need and the impact both have on your life?
  • Do you understand and appreciate the immutable link between gratitude and forgiveness?
  • Do you know what the purpose of life is???
  • Do you KNOW how TRUE contentment is achieved?
  • Do you KNOW how TRUE liberty is achieved?
  • Do you KNOW how easy it is to learn how to achieve both and discover the answers to all of the above?
  • Do you KNOW that simply learning the answers to questions such as these and thinking how they all join together leads to a state of being and awareness we refer to and describe using words such as enlightened and faith?
  • How satisfied are you with your life, REALLY?


So, is ignorance bliss or does it restrict and confuse and deny in every way imaginable?


What do you think now?


Are you ALL tens and ALL knowing?




The James Allen Initiative Concise Road Map
to a Greater Understanding WILL expand
your outlook and improve your life.



Like Tony, Don, Suzanne, Danny and…?

Is this the day YOUR life will surely change?


Onward and Upward!

Access your Road Map below.